I think the site is almost ready to go...! Most or all of the pages are functional and are just missing some things like graphics and text that I'm going to be plugging in in the next couple days. I'm really excited! I worked really hard on this site and I think it's my best one yet! I wanted to make a site that could function as my home website for the long haul rather than one I'd have to keep remaking and unless I really commit to learning coding as a hobby I think this is as technical it's gonna get. Not to say I won't continue learning more HTML, but I don't really have the time or mental capacity to fully develop another hobby to that level of polish lol. Coding and me never got along very well but I wanted to try really hard for this!

As most of my friends know I'm super sick of twitter for posting art. The more I try the less everything there works, and more and more of my friends are leaving altogether. I've had websites on neocities since... 2016? 2015? I think? My first website was here. So I'm not exactly new to the idea, but I never tried this hard on a website before. I'd love to learn how to make a gallery that can have likes and comments but for now things like tumblr and sheezy are scratching that numbers itch. Anyway, the rest of the main pages of the site should be done soon! Then it's whatever I add later.